Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Here's the premise:

We live in an age in which we are inundated with way more information than any individual person can possible handle or digest. One result of this is the trend towards specialization...medicine, law, computer science, engineering, etc. Another result of this, which encompasses MY interest, is that there is an increasing amount of knowledge that most people never know about because it escapes their rather tight radar scan. This is why the research librarian is one of the careers of the future.

Remember: just because you can find a few entries in Google doesn't mean you have the whole story. Tip of the iceberg is a good metaphor. It occurs to me that generalists will find a place in this new world because specialists can't find all the information they need. You need a few people who don't mind crossing specialization borders. And a few web sites that provide for crossing 'knowledge borders'.

I have a few knowledge odds and ends lying around from my own journeys which I offer. I welcome the sea shells, pretty rocks, and shiny glass that other readers have found that can contribute to this cross-border archive.


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