Profile of a Very Secure Woman

This lovely lady was not getting the results she was hoping for on the online personals so she used her smartass feminine wiles to construct a little reverse psychology:
First, the ad:
25 yar ole short fat eye meen skinnie unemployd woomin wit 10 kidz seeks yung hottiey. Mhy hare wuz brite red but has sum gray in it naow. Muh eyes is blu. Eyes growin har outta muh ears an nose but eye is a hunk magnit. Eye mek luv lak a crazed weasel!1!! Eyell be gittin dis heah poh-lice trackin braclit offa muh lag soon an we kin travil afta thet. Eyes fum da souf and eye eenvented da toofbruhs afta eye done figgered out why muh teef falled out. (No Al Gore it wer ME.) Mah fahvorit TV show be Jerry Springer. Eyes on welfair but eye colleks alunimum cans ta suppot mahself. Plus mah kids all has a big pile o cardbored sines thet say Will Work fo Food!!1!1! Eye am so lonley. Wont yew pleeze wrat me. Muh kidz needs a Daddy!!!
More About What I Am Looking For
Yung hottiee wif at leest a dublewide an a bote an lotz uv mone cuz eye haf 10 kidz an they needs a ril daddy to hep mea wif dem and dey wants mo brothirs amd sistres to.
And because she got some interesting responses (including one of my own - the one that starts “im thinkin my desnity”), she created her own blog to display all of her potential suitors:
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